A Bit About Me
Gary is a broker funded-trader. Managed a 7-figure fund, as an institutional trader. Started EvidenceBasedforex to advocate data driven trading approach as an alternative for retail traders.
Gary was featured in the Amazon bestseller, Trading Mentors: Learn Timeless Strategies and Best Practices from Successful Traders. He had also shared at events organized by some of the largest brokers in South East Asia, such as KGI World, UOB Kay Hian and CGSCIMB.
Prior to trading, Gary spent over 10 years in the continuing education and training industry where he last held a senior management role while he was still in his early 30s. Successfully launched the Master of Arts degree, managed over 30 professional development programmes annually as well as organizing conferences. He was also successful in securing training projects with overseas government agency for in-service teachers (Professional development).